Community Association President Resigns – We Wish Him Well
Steve Fortey OAM
It is a major event for Avocans that our much loved and deeply respected President, Steve Fortey OAM, has found it necessary to resign from that role in the Avoca Beach Community Association.
Firstly some words that Steve wants to provide himself:
A Personal Message from our President
I wish to inform the community that, due to ill health, I have resigned my position of President and Committee member of the ABCA. I do so happy in the knowledge that the ABCA has an excellent committee that can do more than just cover my position, it will continue to thrive.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the past 20 odd years of involvement in Avoca Beach community organisations. We live in a fantastic part of the world, made even more special by the good people who live close by.
All the best
Steve Fortey
ABCA’s Response
Our Association Committee wants to convey – as we are sure the Avocan community generally would want to say – we are saddened that Steve’s personal circumstances necessitate him standing down as President.
He took up these reins eight years ago, adding to a wide array of major community contributions made over a long time. So, he is one of the best-known and respected people locally. In 2023 he was recognised with an Australian Honours Award (OAM) for his tremendous community service.
During his tenure as President, Steve assiduously applied himself to the growth of our Community Association and ensured that Avoca Beach continues to be a very special place for us all. Our Committee has thrived under his wise and generous leadership.
With concern, we have watched Steve struggle with growing medical challenges. His perseverance in those times is a measure of his absolute commitment to the interests of all Avocans. We all hope that his future becomes more promising.
What Next
The work and role of our Community Association will go on to foster the interests of our community. We will move ahead building on the legacy handed on by Steve. Our Committee has made decisions about its future structure and working arrangements.
In doing so, we have accommodated the recent resignation of our Treasurer, Robert Burns. We thank Robert for his contribution to the Committee over the past 5 years – contributing financial management expertise and wise counsel.
From now, the changes to our Committee roles will be:
• Ian Carruthers takes over as Acting President
• Wendy Coggins takes over Acting Vice President
• Frik Gautschi takes over as Treasurer
Ian Carruthers, Acting President
Wendy Coggins, Acting Vice President
Frik Gautschi, Treasurer
Our next Annual General Meeting will take place as normal in August to elect a Committee for a new term.
For our Community Association to continue to thrive, we shall need some new Committee Members. It is a great group and community to work with. If you have a few spare hours free a month and are interested in supporting the Avoca Beach community, please contact us on or chat to one of the committee members at a General Meeting.