Avoca Drive Upgrade
Janet Aitchison Janet Aitchison

Avoca Drive Upgrade

The NSW Transport Department recently released a draft design for the first stage of an upgrade of Avoca Drive through Kincumber. The Avoca Beach Community Association made a submission.

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Birds of Avoca
Wildlife Janet Aitchison Wildlife Janet Aitchison

Birds of Avoca

Birds are the most readily seen and heard animals in Avoca Beach. We are so fortunate to share the environment with our feathered friends; from the top of Kincumba Mountain to the surf.

Most of us see Rainbow Lorikeets in the backyard and Silver Gulls on the sand every day, but did you know that more than 150 species have been recorded here?! Read on to find out more about them.

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Talia Tebb - Progress Report
Janet Aitchison Janet Aitchison

Talia Tebb - Progress Report

We last spoke of Talia just over a year ago when she was ranked no. 1 surfer in the country for her age – 12 years old then.

Talia’s has kept up her outstanding form in the highly competitive surfing world and here we give a progress report on this talented young sportsperson.

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Avoca Lagoon – Serious Environmental Stress
Avoca Lagoon Janet Aitchison Avoca Lagoon Janet Aitchison

Avoca Lagoon – Serious Environmental Stress

Avoca Lagoon is a precious jewel – providing wonderful benefits for recreation, sporting activities, and wildlife. But the regular State-wide environmental monitoring of estuaries demonstrates year-after-year that water quality (measured by turbidity) is typically poor – among the worst in NSW. Why has not yet been understood fully by scientists and Council managers.

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Upcoming Council Elections: Q and A with Rik Hart on June 3
Wendy Coggins Wendy Coggins

Upcoming Council Elections: Q and A with Rik Hart on June 3

Central Coast Council will have a return to democracy with the elections for new Councillors in September. To more fully inform Avocans, we have invited Rik Hart, Administrator for Central Coast Council, to our next community meeting. You’re invited to hear his presentation and ask questions. We look forward to seeing you on Monday June 3, 7pm at the changed venue: Avoca Beach Surf Club.

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Avoca Drive Pathway Update
Roads and traffic Wendy Coggins Roads and traffic Wendy Coggins

Avoca Drive Pathway Update

The section of Avoca Drive leading into Avoca Beach is very dangerous for pedestrians and other passive users trying to pass along the edge. A separated shared pathway is needed to protect them.

At last progress is being made after sustained community representations. Signs are promising that Council will fund construction from The Round Drive to the Scenic Highway.

A massively supported petition has galvanised support from the local Federal MP, Gordon Reid for extending the shared pathway through to Heazlett Park. More signatures would help – see end of article.

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Avoca Lagoon - Update on Water Quality
Avoca Lagoon Janet Aitchison Avoca Lagoon Janet Aitchison

Avoca Lagoon - Update on Water Quality

Over many years, monitoring programs assess that water quality in the Lagoon is typically poor. New studies shed important light on the causes of the problems. Central Coast Council is commencing development of a next generation management strategy for the Lagoon – community engagement in this project will be essential.

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‘The Goat Track’
Roads and traffic Wendy Coggins Roads and traffic Wendy Coggins

‘The Goat Track’

‘The Goat Track’: It’s the uneven and narrow trail on the Western side of Cape Three Points Road between Cabbage Tree Avenue and Ridgway Road at the south end of Avoca. Pedestrians take their life in their hands each day when they walk it – especially school students.

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5 Lands Walk - 22 June 2024
Art and Culture Janet Aitchison Art and Culture Janet Aitchison

5 Lands Walk - 22 June 2024

Connecting people to people and people to place.

Celebrating stories walking together.

The 5 Lands Walk is a cultural, physical, spiritual event brought to you as a gift from the 5 Lands community. The walk connects 5 coastal villages, each bringing its own celebration in and around the surf clubs of the 5 Lands. They are connected by 10km of beaches, headlands, bush, footpaths and streets.

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Anzac Day 2024
Commemorations Janet Aitchison Commemorations Janet Aitchison

Anzac Day 2024

Once again a large crowd of locals gathered to commemorate those who served Australia and New Zealand forces who served, many of whom paid the supreme sacrifice. Each year the Avoca Beach Community Association joins with the Avoca Beach SLSC to bring a simple, but effective dawn service.

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Drainage in the South Car Park
Janet Aitchison Janet Aitchison

Drainage in the South Car Park

It’s been a bone of contention with locals for many years now. Mud, puddles and holes. Believe it or not, Council is aware and have plans to fix it.

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