Council Works Projects in Avoca Beach 2024-25

At its June meeting, Council adopted its Operational Plan 2024-25 which contains all the capital works projects scheduled and funded over the coming year, and indicatively beyond. It is a large and complex document spanning all areas of the Central Coast.

The Plan contains a variety of works in Avoca Beach. Some highlights include:

·      Commencing construction of a shared pathway along Avoca Drive between The Round Drive and the Scenic Highway.

·      Major upgrades to the trunk sewer and water mains in the vicinity of the Lagoon.

·      Extension of the major drainage works in South End Park

·      Replacement of the unsafe lookout on Warren Avenue.

·      Projects awaiting imminent State Government decisions on grants to Council for: stabilization of the section of the cliff by the village that suffered a landslip; and a shared pathway along Cape Three Points Road (Cullens Road to Cabbage Tree Avenue).

The Community Association has made sustained representations to Council over a long period for these (and other) works to be implemented.

The Committee of the Community Association made a submission to Council on the draft Operational Plan. We were supportive, but raised a number of matters such as instances where community consultation was important before project commencement.


Birds of Avoca


Warning of Loud Construction Noise at Avoca Lagoon Watermain Works