Warning of Loud Construction Noise at Avoca Lagoon Watermain Works

Central Coast Council Media Release 

27 June 2024

Avoca Lagoon watermain replacement works – update of working hours  

As part of our commitment to maintaining quality water infrastructure across the Central Coast, we have identified the need to replace the water transfer trunk main under Avoca Lagoon.
The water main supplies the Copacabana Reservoir and is critical for supplying essential water services to residents of North Avoca, Avoca Beach, Copacabana, and Macmasters Beach.
Using trenchless technology, boring underneath the lagoon will be undertaken to construct the new main.
Due to the geotechnical ground conditions, the methodology to progress these works has been updated requiring this phase of the project to be completed on a continuous basis to reduce environmental risk, minimise costs and ensure the overall duration of the project is not extended.
As a result of these works there will be loud noise associated with machinery on site during the period of construction. The contractor will install noise reducing barriers to try and minimise the disruption, however, the community will experience periods of loud noise over the course of these works. 
The loudest component of these works is anticipated for completion by Thursday 4 July 2024, with contractors on site Monday-Friday from 7am-6pm and Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June from 8am-6pm. 
We appreciate the community’s patience over the course of these essential water upgrades.
For more information on the project, search ‘Avoca Lagoon watermain replacement works’ at centralcoast.nsw.gov.au




Council Works Projects in Avoca Beach 2024-25


Talia Tebb - Progress Report