What’s Happening in Avoca Beach?
Here’s an update on some of the many issues being monitored by ABCA in Avoca Beach.
Shared Pathway – Avoca Drive
Avoca Drive - location of long hoped-for shared pathway
The Council recently sent us a briefing that provides the latest picture on preparations for the long hoped-for and now funded shared pathway along Avoca Drive. The first stage of construction will be from the Scenic Highway to Hillside Rd; and the second from Hillside to The Round Drive.
Design work is well advanced. Council proposes the development will be located on the southern (residential) side of the road – not the Lagoon side. This choice is driven by several factors, principally environmental, cost and user safety.
Full community consultation will be initiated by Council in early 2025 – likely February. This will include the designs of the first two stages and, in a preliminary way, the hoped-for stage 3 from The Round Drive to Heazlett Park. The Community Association has offered assistance in the roll-out of this consultation process
Footpath Project - Cape Three Points Road
Interim Surfacing for Pedestrians
We were happy to see that Council has made some temporary improvements to the walkway on the western side of Cape Three Points Road between Ridgway Road and Cabbage Tree Avenue with asphalting and berms. This has made a significant short- term difference to pedestrian safety along this stretch of road. Line markings and 50 km advisory speed signs are to be installed soon.
ABCA remains committed to the goal of having a proper pedestrian pathway installed on this part of Cape Three Points Road. While council was unsuccessful with the current Get Active NSW grant application for the path, we are assured they will apply for funding in future rounds and make other future submissions.
Council is also developing a project to link the shoulder and pram ramps at the Ridgway Road intersection with some short sections of path. This may take a little longer to implement, but it is on the list of council projects to deliver.
Residents who notice any pavement defects along this stretch of road can log requests for repair directly with Council on their website. These then are directed straight to their maintenance crews to assess and action if required. So, walkers, runners and cyclists on this section of Cape Three Points Road, please take note and follow up.
Local Water Supply Security Enhanced
Council recently completed the trunk water main project laying new pipe deep under Avoca Lagoon and running from Heazlett Park. This replaces the old water main that was prone to breakage during storms.
Normal access to Heazlett Park and the Ficus Ave carpark is restored now that the works have finished– Hooray!
Lagoon Water Quality
Avoca Lagoon - things aren’t so pretty under the water
The June issue of AvocaBeachNews contained an article describing the results of major technical studies into the scale and causes of poor water quality in Avoca Lagoon – excessive nutrients, sediment and faecal pollution.
Since then the Community Association has maintained contact with Council on progress with advancing development of an action plan (formally called a Coastal Management Project – a CMP) to address these problems. On the good news side, Council reports it has assigned funds for development, community consultation and finalization of the CMP.
Concerning though is the news, that Council is now contemplating pushing out the timeline for approval of the CMP to mid-2026 (instead of the current timeline of mid-2025). The Community Association has written to the Council CEO urging Council to assign priority to this activity and to complete it by the end of 2025. We see this as necessary to best position for community lobbying of State and Federal politicians to deliver funds for the substantial task of remediating Lagoon water quality.
A New Warren Avenue Lookout – Have Your Say
Old Warren Avenue Lookout to be demolished because of safety concerns
The lookout on Warren Avenue provides a superb view from on high of the whole embayment and the surf conditions – attracting surfers, tourists and locals alike. Presently it is closed because of structural decay and will be demolished by Council.
Council has called for community input on whether a new lookout should be built – see:
A strong level of input from our community is important to persuade Council of the need for a new lookout and any features. Input closes on 10 November. Additionally, there will be a Council pop-up event at the Warren Avenue site on Wednesday 30 October from 5.30 - 7pm for anyone interested in talking directly to representatives of the Council about the lookout.
South End Park
Council undertook Stage 5 of the major drainage works across South End Park in the middle months of this year, during which time the area was closed for vehicle parking. The Park has reopened in time for the September-October school holidays. The next stage of works is expected to happen in mid 2025.
South End Park in demand again for parking
Extra Defibrillator – Scout Hall
Following a generous donation by Heart of the Nation, an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) has been installed at the front door of the Avoca Beach Scout Hall at 229 Avoca Drive, Avoca Beach (opposite the RFS Fire Station and Like Minds Café).
Debibrillator installed at the Scout Hall
According to the Australian Resuscitation Council, early use of an AED can increase survival rates for people suffering cardiac arrest by up to 70% in some cases. Research estimates that the use of AEDs, especially in public places and areas with high foot traffic, saves hundreds of lives annually in Australia.
All AEDs come with easy-to-follow instructions so that anyone can use them to save lives – no medical knowledge required. However, people wishing to learn how to use the device can do so by watching these videos created by Greg Page (the Yellow Wiggle).
Avoca Beach now has AEDs in four locations: in the village outside the Pizza restaurant, outside Avoca Beach Theatre, outside Avoca Beach Primary School, and now outside the Scout Hut.
Community Battery
We’ve been advised that work continues apace to bring a Community Battery to our neighbourhood. The volunteers working on this project are experiencing a combination of quick wins and frustrating hurdles. You can read the details of this multifaceted project on the Community Powershare website (www.communitypowershare.org)
Activity seems in limbo on stabilising the landslip zone on the cliff at the southern end of the shopping precinct. Some early engineering and environmental assessment was undertaken by Council a while ago. The State Government has provided grant funds for stabilisation works which are expected to happen in 2025.
Road Safety
At the recent bimonthly meeting between Committee members and State MP Adam Crouch, we raised the issue of constriction of traffic flow along the bottom section of Cape Three Points Road – between The Round Drive and the roundabout by Heazlett Park. This is caused by extensive kerbside parking forcing cars to cross the centre double lines. We requested him to raise this with the relevant authorities who we hope will propose a solution.
Avoca Beach Theatre Redevelopment
In August, the Local Planning Panel, on the advice of Council planning staff, approved further amendments to the design of the proposed redevelopment of Avoca Beach Theatre. The principal changes were:
A significant reduction in seating capacity in the four cinemas – from 616 to 462. Consequently, the previously imposed limit on seating capacity on summer Sundays, due to parking constraints, was removed.
Some increase in building height, which was considered not to impact the views from nearby properties.