Avoca Drive Pathway Update

The busy section of Avoca Drive leading into Avoca Beach from the ‘Bowlo’ to Heazlett Park is a dangerous piece of road for pedestrians, runners and cyclists. There is no path and the road verge is very difficult to traverse.

On market days, parking extends in a long line along that road and families are exposed when walking to their destination. Local residents are prevented from travelling around the area by foot.

What is needed is a shared pathway – a broad path, with a centre painted line, separated from the speeding cars on the road.

It has been an issue for years – but, finally, we seem to be making progress.

The Avoca Beach Community Association, with great assistance from some active community members, have been especially active in pressing the case over the past six months. Action has focussed on Central Coast Council, local Federal MP Gordon Reid and the State Member Adam Crouch.

The First Stage

Council released in early May its draft capital works program for the next 4 years. It earmarks $6.2 million in total over 3 years, beginning in 2026-27 for the first stage of construction running from The Round Drive through the Scenic Highway intersection. It would be located on the southern side (across the front of the houses etc.)

Council recently assigned funds for design work. It has indicated to the Community Association that community consultation on draft plans will happen mid-2025.

The Second Stage

Council is open to extending the shared pathway running from The Round Drive through to Heazlett Park. But, it has no capacity to fund that. A preliminary estimate is $2.1 million.

In September 2023, the Community Association met roadside with Dr Gordon Reid. It was agreed to initiate a petition to each level of government to provide funding for this extension.

Over the summer holiday, local volunteers mounted a petition signing initiative, for example at the village shops and at markets. This was hugely successful – by our count over 2,000 (locals and visitors) signed their support. Dr. Reid’s office provided great assistance.

The Community Association met with Dr Reid in April. He praised our effort in galvanising community support.

Dr Reid reported that he had held discussions on the project with the range of relevant Federal Ministers. He was quietly confident that funding for the extension to Heazlett Park would form an election commitment by the ALP in the course of the (early) 2025 Federal election.

He did add that it would be helpful if additional petition signatures could be secured from locals – people living in Avoca Beach and elsewhere in the electorate of Robertson. The Community Association is initiating steps to do that. 

If you haven’t yet signed click Petition


Upcoming Council Elections: Q and A with Rik Hart on June 3


Avoca Lagoon - Update on Water Quality