Avoca Drive Pathway Update
Roads and traffic Wendy Coggins Roads and traffic Wendy Coggins

Avoca Drive Pathway Update

The section of Avoca Drive leading into Avoca Beach is very dangerous for pedestrians and other passive users trying to pass along the edge. A separated shared pathway is needed to protect them.

At last progress is being made after sustained community representations. Signs are promising that Council will fund construction from The Round Drive to the Scenic Highway.

A massively supported petition has galvanised support from the local Federal MP, Gordon Reid for extending the shared pathway through to Heazlett Park. More signatures would help – see end of article.

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‘The Goat Track’
Roads and traffic Wendy Coggins Roads and traffic Wendy Coggins

‘The Goat Track’

‘The Goat Track’: It’s the uneven and narrow trail on the Western side of Cape Three Points Road between Cabbage Tree Avenue and Ridgway Road at the south end of Avoca. Pedestrians take their life in their hands each day when they walk it – especially school students.

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