Avoca Lagoon – Serious Environmental Stress
Avoca Lagoon Janet Aitchison Avoca Lagoon Janet Aitchison

Avoca Lagoon – Serious Environmental Stress

Avoca Lagoon is a precious jewel – providing wonderful benefits for recreation, sporting activities, and wildlife. But the regular State-wide environmental monitoring of estuaries demonstrates year-after-year that water quality (measured by turbidity) is typically poor – among the worst in NSW. Why has not yet been understood fully by scientists and Council managers.

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Avoca Lagoon - Update on Water Quality
Avoca Lagoon Janet Aitchison Avoca Lagoon Janet Aitchison

Avoca Lagoon - Update on Water Quality

Over many years, monitoring programs assess that water quality in the Lagoon is typically poor. New studies shed important light on the causes of the problems. Central Coast Council is commencing development of a next generation management strategy for the Lagoon – community engagement in this project will be essential.

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